Wokingham and Squirrels !

So many of you may have seen in the press and online about Scouting’s latest section called Squirrels.

The new Squirrels section is designed for 4 and 5 year olds to help young people gain skills for life at a time when it matters most and where it’s most needed.

Squirrels can achieve anything they set their minds to – and they have lots of fun along the way.

The one hour sessions will be a brilliant opportunity for young people to take their first step into being part of Scouts, and they’ll help everyone get ready for the adventure of school too.

Sessions will be packed with outdoors activities, fun, games, badges, laughter, and so much more to help our youngest members learn the skills they need for life. Of course, none of it would be possible without the support of the amazing leaders who plan and deliver such an inspiring programme.

Wokingham District Scouts is currently looking at its options across the District linked to provision of Squirrels as the creation has an impact on the growing Joining lists for Beavers and Cubs.

Squirrels can only start in areas where there’s manager approval and we’re prioritising new provision that will reach underserved communities most in need. Only those invited into a cohort can start Squirrels as this is a new age range, so it’s important members are well supported in getting things setup safely.

Of course to help open new sections we need adult volunteers.

Volunteering’s not just about giving back – the benefits go both ways. All of our activities are run by amazing volunteers. Volunteering lets you try new things, meet new people, and make a difference. We know that volunteering is #GoodForYou because when you volunteer, you’ll:

  1. Do something good for your community and yourself
  2. Gain skills for the future
  3. Spend time with your children or gain experience with young people
  4. Make friends
  5. Make memories

Volunteering will keep your body and brain active as you make a huge difference to young people’s lives – helping them develop skills for life and learn a whole lot about themselves along the way.

It doesn’t matter if you want to get involved regularly or help out occasionally – we can find the right fit for you.

Find an opportunity that’s #GoodForYou today >

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