The Big Help Out 2024

Scouting is now gearing up for The Big Help Out 2024, which is happening from Friday 7 June to Sunday 9 June – coinciding with Volunteers’ Week. And it’s set to be even better than last year. We’d love you to be involved every step of the way, mobilising your networks and spreading the word, and thinking about how you can make the most of this June to recruit new volunteers

What is the History of the Big Help Out Campaign?

The Big Help Out campaign dates back to its inception as a coalition of thousands of British charities, including national institutions like the Scouts and Royal Voluntary Service. This initiative aims to elevate volunteering on people’s to-do lists, offering bite-sized opportunities for individuals to engage in volunteering activities locally while being part of a shared national effort. The campaign was designed by the Shaping the Future with Volunteering and Together coalitions, with a focus on showcasing the benefits of volunteering for both communities and individuals. Over time, The Big Help Out has evolved to encourage a national day of volunteering, with plans to extend the campaign to three days in 2024 to facilitate participation from schools, businesses, and communities that may not traditionally engage in volunteering activities.

How can individuals get involved in the Big Help out ?

Individuals can get involved in The Big Help Out by signing up for volunteering opportunities with their local Scout Group or through the Big Help Out Platform, which will be available on the web and as a downloadable mobile app. This initiative aims to raise awareness of volunteering across the UK and offers diverse opportunities for people to engage in volunteering activities, regardless of their skills or availability.

Whether individuals can spare an hour, a day, or wish to try something new, there are options to suit everyone. The campaign encourages participation from individuals aged 16 and older, with opportunities for teams, families, and even schools to join in. Regardless of nationality or visa status, individuals in the UK can participate in volunteering activities through The Big Help Out, connecting with various inspiring organisations nationwide.

If you are interesting in getting involved visit:

1 The Big Help Out | About us – The Big Help Out
2 The Big Help Out: Why it matters and how to get involved – NCVO
3 Catherine Johnstone: ‘The Big Help Out is an innovative and disruptive …
4 The Big Help Out returns on 7 to 9 June 2024 – Royal Voluntary Service
5 Why we’re proud to help lead The Big Help Out | News – Scouts

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