Prime Minister commits support to A Million Hands, empowering young people to join the fight against plastic pollution

We’re delighted to announce that, as part of A Million Hands, Scouts are joining forces with UK government to encourage young people across the country to tackle plastic pollution both at home and abroad. 

Harnessing the passion of our young people on this important issue, we will create a resource pack that supports our ongoing programme of activity with the Canal & River Trust, empowering young people to take action on plastic pollution through A Million Hands.

Recognising the need for global action, the toolkit will be supported by a new international exchange visit, allowing Scouts from the UK and Kenya to visit one another and learn how important the issue of plastics is in different parts of the world.

Early next year, young people will have the opportunity to be a part of our A Million Hands Big Moment, embracing the challenge of cleaning up our waterways. The new partnership will build on this, further enhancing our A Million Hands programme, which already empowers half a million young people across the UK to take action on the issues they care about.

UK Chief Commissioner Tim Kidd said: ‘As Scouts, we’re committed to helping tackle some of the biggest challenges of our time. We have always had a strong connection to the environment, and so taking action on plastic pollution is an obvious cause for our young people to champion. I’m proud of the role our young people will play in taking a stand against single use plastics.’

In the meantime, more information on the new A Million Hands resources and how to access them will be coming soon. If you want your young people to take part, sign up to A Million Hands.


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