District DofE members brave the cold

Young people from the District braved the cold last weekend to take part in their respective expeditions. It may of touched minus 4 on Saturday night but that did not stop the two brave Groups.

Out on the water doing their Gold Practice expedition saw a group paddle from the Waterside Centre to Henley and then on Sunday on to Cookham.

The 5 person team carried tents, stoves, food and clothes in barrels and dry bags. 2 Canadians and 1 Touring Canoe carried them as part of their preparation for a trip down the Wye for the final Gold Expedition.

The Bronze team opted for the more traditional hike approach carrying everything they needed on their backs.

The teams route took them round the Chiltern Hills over near Henley and all 4 members completed and passed their Bronze Expedition – just need the report back now !!

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