Berkshires Young People head to Africa

Last Saturday saw more Scouts and leaders (just under 140 in total) making the third Berkshire Scouts visit to Uganda to undertake more international community projects with local primary schools (Buwala; Bubugo; and Bituli) as well as work at the Jinja District Scout Campsite (Buwenda).

In previous visits (2011 & 2015) 160 Scouts and leaders have taken part in in similar projects at four schools (Bukeka Children’s Centre; Kavule School for the Deaf; Butagaya Primary School; and Iwololo Primary School).
The community projects are part of the Project Africa global awareness programme which encourages Scouts of all ages to engage in getting to understand the lives of their peers in a developing country. The Scouts from all sections also support funding the projects – young people supporting young people!

First few Scouts (x10 plus leaders) at Buwenda Scout Campsite setting up home. Tent doors facing the Nile!

To follow the Groups activities follow them on Facebook – Here

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