Army experience for 1st Binfield and The Parks Explorers

Six Explorers from 1st Binfield and one Unit member from The Parks attended an Army Leadership Challenge Day in Liss, Hampshire earlier in October.

An array of activities was on offer including target shooting, camouflage, minefield navigation, army physical challenges and other team-building exercises – all aimed at introducing the Explorers to army life.

The heavy rain didn’t dampen the spirits of the seven Explorers as they threw themselves into the experience – all under the watchful eye of the enthusiastic onsite team, who offered a glimpse into army careers.

The young people received information on many different army career options with some of the Explorers coming away with a real interest in pursuing the options further (and some with a new appreciation that the army wasn’t for them!).

Food was provided in the form of MREs (meal ready-to-eat), which resulted in much negotiation and haggling as the various meal options and extras were redistributed amongst the young people. The heat packs used to warm the food then helpfully served as pocket hand warmers to combat the cold, damp day. 

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95,22 and 8 !

Confused…. 95 Young people and 22 Adults from 8 District Groups and sections have spent the last week at a District Camp in Belgium. The

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